Global Diversity CFP Day

Global Diversity CFP Day is an annual event that hosts workshops around the world, encouraging and advising new speakers to put together their very first talk proposal in order to share their individual perspective on subjects that interest them with the world.

We have decided to extend our CFP Deadline by ten days to allow those that attend GDCFP Day a chance to submit their newly crafted CFP to JSConf US 2019!

We have also taken this opportunity to adjust a few other important dates to accommodate the extended CFP period:

Old DateNew Date
CFP DeadlineMarch 1stMarch 11th
General Admission TicketsFebruary 16thApril 23rd
General Admission TicketsFebruary 26thApril 30th
Last Chance TicketsApril 30thMay 14th

If you have never spoken before, or you are looking for ways to improve get your ideas to a more diverse audience, we hope you take advantage of this amazing event! Check out at the GD CFP Day website for a workshop near you!

Looking for more information about our Call for Proposals process? Read more about our Call for Proposals process.